State Abbreviation - WV
State Capital - Charleston
Largest City - Charleston
Area - 24, 231 square kilometers [West Virginia is the 41st biggest condition in the united states]
Population - 1, 854, 304 (by 2013) [West Virginia may be the 38th most populous condition in america]
Name for Residents - West Virginians
Significant Industries - mining (coal), livestock, chemical production, cup items, tourism
Origin regarding the Name West Virginia - western Virginia was named for Queen Elizabeth I of England (she had been known as the Virgin Queen). Sir Walter Raleigh could have recommended this title around 1584.
State Nickname - Hill State
State Motto - "Montani semper liberi" - Mountaineers will always free
State Tune - Western Virginia My Residence, The West Virginia Hills, It Is My West Virginia
United States Of America Map: Where We Live
Write your country, state, and town, and then get a hold of and label your state (and a few various other geographic functions).
Write Ten Things About A State
A one-page printable worksheet. Write ten reasons for your state (and one thing you would like to change).

United States State Wheel
This 2-page print-out makes a wheel about just one United States state; the pupil fills from home elevators the wheel. It is composed of a base page together with a rear wheel that spins around. After placing the wheel collectively, the student uses the guidelines in the front-wheel (coloring when you look at the state on a US map and drawing a small chart regarding the state) and fills out the 12 chapters of the wheel with information regarding one condition. Once you spin the wheel, facts about the united states State look, including: Biggest Cities, Capital, Flag, Bodies of Water, Postal Abbreviation, State Bird, Population (rank), Area (position), Residents known as, Bordered by, significant Industries, and Entered Union (order).
United States State - Find a Related Word for Each Letter
For an United States state, see if you can think about and take note of a word or phrase which related to that condition for every single letter of this alphabet. Think about locations, famous people from the state, systems of water, hills, landmarks, also features. Find words for as much letters as you can.
The Census
A census is the official count for the amount of people in an area. The review is completed by a government, typically occasionally. This site explains exactly how and why censuses are taken.